Saturday, 28 May 2022

Finding the Family of Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan

I was putting together the Key Points from Robert Sproule the Nabob’s Will when a huge penny went ‘clang’ as it dropped.  It was so obvious too… right in front of my eyes!

Robert Sproule, the Nabob died in 1807. In his Will, he leaves money to his sister Rebecca Sproule and to her sons. We know that his sister Rebecca had married another Sproule, Robert Sproule of Grennan, son of the man who Jack Elder had called ‘Charles Sproule of Upper Grennan’. That marriage would have taken place some time in 1770s. 

We know lots about the Grennan Sproules, but nothing at all about this family.  Robert is the eldest son, according to Elder, and he should have inherrited a part of Grennan.  Yet there is no trace of Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan and of his wife Rebecca Sproule in the records of Grennan. There is no trace of his 4 sons. Where did they go? And then 'clang'!

In his Will of 1805, the Nabob names the sons of Rebecca and Robert Sproule of Grennan;


Jack Elder gives us a tree of ‘Upper Grennan’ based on the work of John Inch in the early 1800s. 

Jack Elder's tree of Upper Grennan Sproules

Elder tells us that Robert Sproule, eldest son of Charles Sproule of Upper Grennan, married Rebecca Sproule and had the following children;


Both of these two sources, Elder and the Nabob, are in agreement that the sons of this family are called, Robert, John, Charles and Samuel.

So these boys left Grennan – they disappeared, as did their father. 

Now we are going to look at a family who are in a place that it is perfectly logical to find Sproules of Upper Grennan! 

Charles of Upper Grennan was involved in leases in Drumkeeran, County Fermanagh in 1778. They are for Crillan, Feddans East, and Rabbet Island.

Reports from theCommissioners of the Board of Education Volume 5 1809-1812 p.302

We know for certain that George Sproule, the lessee in Crillan, is definitely the son of Charles of Upper Grennan. We can see on this record of the lease that it was taken out by Charles and Samuel. The Charles mentioned there is Charles of Upper Grennan, I thought that Samuel must be a brother of Charles. I assumed that Robert,  named as the lessee in the Feddans lease, must be also be a brother of Charles of Upper Grennan. I wasn't right - let's look at this Robert again.

The one line that we have on this lease tells us that Robert Sproule is in Feddans East, and his sons are Robert and Charles. I didn't find this lease, but there is a lovely reference to it in one of the deeds of Robert Sproule the Nabob. In a deed in 1790 The Nabob is lending money to the very same Robert Sproule of East Feddans. The money is mortgaged on 67 acres of land in East Feddans. This deed quotes the original deed in which Robert Sproule leased the land and it gives the date as 20 Jan 1778.  It also tells us that the 'lives' on the deed are:

“The said Robert Sproule (of Feddans) the life of Robert Sproule the Younger, his eldest son then aged 7 years, and Charles Sproule, his second son then aged 5 years.” (438 449 285213 Registry of Deeds)

So we know that in 1778, this Robert Sproule of Feddans has an oldest son, Robert, born in 1770, and a son Charles born 1773.

Now, why would Robert Sproule the Nabob be lending money to Robert Sproule of Feddans? The Nabob was affluent, and he did lend money. But the only deeds I have found with him lending money, are to his family members. That should have been a clue when I first saw this!

We have more information on the Feddans family in the Freehold list of 1796. Buying a small piece of land freehold was a way of people buying the right to vote as, at that time, only people owning freehold land could vote.  

So in Feddans we now have 3 names of people who can vote. We have Robert and Charles, who we had before, and now we have John Sproule. John Sproule was also named in the Tithe Applotment book of 1832, with 66 acres in Feddans. Now we are just missing a Samuel.

And here he is.

In the births recorded in Tubrid Church, Kesh, Co Fermanagh, we find a baby born to Samuel Sproule of Feddans and his wife Margaret. The baby was born on 11 Nov 1819. But we actually also have a birth record for this Samuel Sproule of Feddans. (Igp Archives)

Also in Igp Archives, this time St Mary's Church, Ardess, Fermanagh, we find a birth record for Samuel Sproule, who's father is Robert Sproule of Feddans. Samuel Sproue was born on 2 Jul 1781. So now we have the four.

We have matched Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan and his four sons as told by Elder and Robert the Nabob in his Will, with Robert Sproule of Feddans and his 4 sons. They are the same family. Robert and Rebecca Sproule of Upper Grennan went to live in Feddans, Drumkeeran, Fermanagh in 1778 with their two children. They had two more boys in Feddans.
But Robert the Nabob and Jack Elder both tell us that Robert and Rebecca of Upper Grennan had two girls - what of them? Well on the same page as the birth of Samuel Sproule recorded in St Mary's Church, Ardess, we have another birth with Robert Sproule of Feddans as the father. This is a baby girl called Elizabeth, born on 21 Nov 1778. Again this matches Elder's Tree above, which records a 'Bessie' who died unmarried.

Just to put the final cap on it, we find the Bratton family also in Feddans. Elder tells us that Jennie Sproule, daughter of Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan married Wallace Bratton. She did indeed, and they had a son Robert Bratton who married Anne Sproule of Coole on 10 Mar 1848.( And where were this Bratton family living? Yes,  you've guessed it, in Feddans.   This suggests that  Jennie Sproule, daughter of Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan was also living in Feddans.


So the Feddans connection is tight as a drum, except for one tiny thing that I won’t go into now.

But we have proved conclusively that Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan married Rebecca Sproule of Golan, and went to live in Feddans in 1778. Their family of 4 boys and 2 girls, mentioned in the Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob and in Tree of Jack Elder are all found in Feddans, and at least two of them were born there.

They were:

  • Robert Sproule b. 1778 in Upper Grennan
  • Charles Sproule b. 1773 in Upper Grennan
  • John Sproule - in Tithe Applotment on same 67 acres of East Feddans
  • Jennie Sproule m. Wallace Bratton 
  • Elizabeth Sproule b. 11 Nov 1778 in Feddans
  • Samuel Sproule b. 2 Jul 1781 Feddans
One last question. Why did the oldest son of Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan end up in Feddans instead of Grennan?  That's a good question!

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Key Points from the Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob

We have learnt a huge amount from this Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob written in 1805. Most importantly, it helped me to discover the parentage of Robert Sproule some years ago, and also to learn more about the brothers and sisters of the Nabob.

These are the key bequests from the Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob, with my own notes added. (Kate Tammemagi) They are in the order in which they appear in the Will, if you would like to cross reference. The Will is here -  The Will in full

  • To sister-in-law Mrs Catherine Porter of Strabane in Ireland £200
This is Catherine Sproule, daughter of John Sproull the Apothecary, she married Frederick Porter on 16 May 1785. This entry from 16 May 1785 Strabane Journal;
“MARRIED Wednesday last, MR FREDERICK PORTER to MISS CATHERINE SPROULL, both of this place.” Extracted from Directory of Irish Family History Research 1992
These two are first cousins – so common in this family! Frederick Porter was the son of Robert Porter, who was a merchant, post master and politician in Strabane. Robert Porter had married the sister of John Sproull the Apothecary, Rebecca Sproule of Golan, who is also the aunt of the Nabob.
Their daughter Mary Porter married Edward Sproule of Burrell's Folly - see previous post. Their daughter Rebecca Porter married her cousin, Oliver Lecky, son of Ann Sproule and Oliver Lecky.

  • To Mrs Mary Gamble of the same place (Strabane)  £100

Mary Gamble is the mother of John Gamble who wrote ‘Society and Manners in Early Nineteenth Century Ireland’ . She is a cousin of Robert Sproule the Nabob - more on Mary Gamble and her relationship to Robert Sproule the Nabob in a later post. 

  • To my cousin James Kerr of the parish of Ardstraw, £50

I have not been able to discover how exactly James Kerr of Ardstraw is a cousin of the Nabob, however, I do know who James Kerr is. He married Isabella Sproule, the daughter of Thomas Sproule, the brother of Robert the Nabob. They are talked of in the letters to and from Robert Sproule of Ohio. James Kerr and Isabella went to live in Philadelphia, and died there.  James and Isabella had only one child, Sallie, who did not marry.

  • To Jackson Goldring of the Central post office City of Dublin £200

I believe this is a friend rather than a relative. Jackson is one of the Trustees of the Nabob's estate

  • To John Smyley Barrister at law in Dublin £200 

John Smyley was a friend and is a Trustee of Robert Sproule the Nabob's estate

  • To Brother Thomas Sproule – £100 

Thomas is the eldest son of Samuel Sproule of Golan and Coolnacrunaght, son of Thomas Spreull of Golan. Brother Thomas Sproule  was living at Clarebridge at this time, the family eventually moved to Bridgehill. Thomas was married to a lady called Sarah.

  • To my Sister Rebecca Sproule  £100

Rebecca Sproule married Robert Sproule of Grennan who, according to Elder, is the son of Charles Sproule of Upper Grennan. Robert Sproule of Grennan is a bit of a mystery. He was the eldest son of Charles of Upper Grennan, and yet we know nothing of him or his children – we don’t know what happened to them. (P.S I know exactly who he is - it was right in front of me all the time!)**

  • To my sister Elizabeth Rankin - £100

We do not know who Mr Rankin was or where Elizabeth and her family lived.

  • To each of the Sons and daughters of my brother Thomas – £100

Thomas had at least 7 children and we know quite a bit about them because of a series of letters between two of his sons, Robert in Ohio and the other in Bridgehill. They are also one of these special families where we have the family bible front page.

  • My sister Martha Sproule  - sister Martha recieves nothing - I have not thought it necessary to bequeath anything to my sister Martha, as she has been provided for by the late Mr Robert Sproule."

This is rather a sad tale. Martha is the third of the Nabob’s 3 surviving sisters. She married Andrew Sproule of Tullymoan, but he had died before 1801, so she was a widow at this time. Her brother Robert Sproule the Nabob had left her no money because she was to receive a large inheritance from Jamaica. This inheritance was to come not from Robert Sproule, as Robert the Nabob says in his Will, but from Robert’s son, Andrew Sproule of Arnotto Bay, Jamaica. Andrew Sproule was a Tullymoan Sproule who had died in Jamaica in 1801 and he too had left a large fortune. He left money to his aunt Martha in Tullymoan, the widow of his father’s only brother, and also money to all of her sons. However, Andrew’s fortune was stolen by his executors in Jamaica and Martha Sproule, sister of the Nabob, got nothing. The Nabob had also left her nothing, so poor Martha Sproule of Tullymoan had lost out two inheritances!

  • To each of the sons of my deceased sister Jane Lecky £100
  • To each of the daughters of my deceased sister Jane Lecky £50

We know that the husband of Jane Lecky was ‘Mr Lecky of Altamullan’, but no first name. We don’t know what became of the sons of this marriage, but we know quite a bit about the daughters. The eldest daughter, Ann Lecky, married her first cousin, Robert Sproule of Broomfield, see  below.  The three remaining daughters of Jane Lecky all lived in Altamullan. Miss Isabel and Miss Mary Lecky were the two spinster ladies that John Gamble went to visit in Termonamongan in his book “Society and Manners”. They had their own land there, and they also managed the Nabob’s land when he was in India. They lived with their other sister, who’s name I don’t know, but she married a Mr Swanston. 

  • To each of the sons and each of the daughters of my deceased sister Mary Johnston £50

I have not been able to even get a hint of a lead on this family of Nabob’s second deceased sister. The Nabob does not give the name of her husband Mr Johnston, nor does he give us the names of any of the children. He doesn’t give us a hint as to where the family lived. The fact that these children got less than other families suggests that they were less in need – perhaps a more affluent family.

  • To Oliver Lecky, son of my deceased sister Ann Lecky £100
  • To each of the daughters of my deceased sister  Ann Lecky, £100 each

Ann Sproule was the 3rd sister of Robert the Nabob who had died before his Will was signed in 1805. Ann married Oliver Lecky, who's parentage we don't yet know, but Oliver was an affluent man.  Their son, also called Oliver Lecky, owned and lived in Mellmount house outside Strabane, which was a home used often by this Sproule Clan. This son Oliver Lecky married cousin Rebeccca Porter, daughter of Frederick Porter and Catherine Sproule.

  • To each of the sons of my sister Martha Sproule £50 each.

This is interesting for Tullymoan researchers. The Nabob’s sister Martha Sproule had married Andrew Sproule of Tullymoan, but she was a widow by the year 1801. I know that she had 5 sons, but there is no record of any daughters. In this Will dated 1805, Robert the Nabob does not leave money to any daughters in this Tullymoan family, which confirms that were none alive at this time.

  • To  Robert Sproule, John Sproule and Samuel Sproule all sons of my sister Rebecca Sproule £100 each 
  • To Charles Sproule and to each of two daughters of my sister Rebecca Sproule £50

Robert, John and Samuel are sons of Robert Sproule of Upper Grennan and Rebecca Sproule, the Nabob’s sister. According to Elder’s tree of this family of Upper Grennan, Robert and John died unmarried. He has Samuel on the tree, but that’s it – no information on him. Again, this Grennan Sproule line is a real puzzle, and it is hard to make sense of it. These 3 boys, or maybe the 4th brother Charles, should have inherited this Grennan land, but there is no sign of them after this Will in 1805. The 4th brother Charles is always separated from the other 3 boys in this Will, and he is always with the two daughters. There could be a number of reasons for that. (I've found these now)

  • To the two daughters of my sister Elizabeth Rankin £50

There is no hint as to who this family is – we have no first name for Mr Rankin, none for the two daughters of Mr Rankin and Elizabeth Sproule, and no hint as to where they lived

  • To Samuel Sproule eldest son of my brother Thomas £200 in addition to the legacy to which he will be entitled in common with his brothers and sisters (above)

This is Samuel Sproule of Bridgehill, and he is obviously favoured by the Nabob. We know this as Robert the Nabob leaves Samuel his gold watch, chain and seals later in this Will.

The  two sons of Samuel Sproule of Bridgehill  become residual legatees in the event of the Nabob’s daughter’s death – they share the remainder of the estate with a third cousin, Robert of Inchenny. We know a great deal about this family because of the Ohio-Bridgehill letters – more in later posts.

  • To Robert Sproule, the son of Samuel Sproule above, £100

Robert Sproule of Bridgehill, eldest son of Samuel Sproule of Bridgehill inherited vaste fortunes from several different sources – the Nabob was only one of them.When he was a young man, he travelled across America, doing what we would call a ‘grand tour’. Robert of Bridgehill  eventually became Robert Sproule of Kildevin, and came to a sticky end!  Herein lies another story!

  • To Robert Sproule son of my nephew James Sproule of the parish of Ardstraw £100

Nephew James Sproule of Ardstraw is James of Inchany, now spelt Inchenny. It looks from this Will that James was not living in Inchenny in 1805, but was living somewhere in Ardstraw. James was the son of the Nabob’s brother Thomas, one of 3 sons of this family. Robert was the oldest son of James of Inchany, but he died quite young in 1829 aged 27. 

  •  To Robert Sproule son of my nephew Robert Sproule of Broomfield £100

Broomfield house is still there to this day. It is on the road from Clady to Strabane, and is in the townland of Ballylast, land long in the hands of  the Tullymoan Sproules. This Robert of Broomfield was the son of the Nabob’s sister Martha Sproule and Andrew Sproule of Tullymoan. Robert Sproule of Broomfield was married  to his first cousin Ann Lecky, daughter of the Nabob’s sister Jane. Their son  Robert, who is named in the Nabob’s Will, went to Jamaica and made a fortune there. Robert of Broomfield is the ancestor of the Mulvin Sproules

  • To Robert Durham son of Mr Andrew Durham of Bovolcan near Lisburn £100

I believe this to be a friend rather than a relative

  • To Katherine Cowan, John Cowan and Robert Cowan children of Reverend Thomas Connolly Cowan of Rousden, St Eyres County of Devon £100

Executors of the Will and Trustees

  • To my wife I leave and bequeath;

    1. The lease and interest to Parker’s Well House and also all of the contents of the house, including carriages, horses etc.
    2. That the yearly rent on the property shall be paid out of the estate and not my wife’s personal stipend
Robert Sproule the Nabob never names his wife in his Will, she is always 'my wife'. She is, of course, Jane Sproull, eldest daughter of the Nabob's uncle, John Sproull the Apothecary of Strabane, so he married his first cousin. Jane died 18 Jul 1828 in Castletown, just outside Strabane where she had lived with her spinster sister Mary following her husband's death:
"On Friday last, at Castletown, Mrs Sproull, relict of the late Robert Sproull, Esq. of Bombay, at the advanced age of 80 years." (Strabane Morning Post July 22, 1828) see previous posts.

The remainder and residue of the estate is placed in a Trust to be managed by Jackson Golding Esquire,  John Smyley Esquire both before mentioned and to the Reverend Thomas Connolly Cowan now of  Roulston St Eyres in the county of Devon as executors.

Out of this Trust is to come the following:

  • To my Sister-in-Law Mary Sproule the interest on £1000 to be paid annually for life

Mary Sproule is the sister of the Nabob’s wife Jane Sproule, and both are daughters of John Sproull the Apothecary. John Sproull was an affluent man and he left a detailed Will in 1787 that mentions his other 3 daughters, but his oldest daughter Jane, the wife of the Nabob, is not mentioned. Clearly he felt that Jane was well provided for.

 In his Will, John the Apothecary leaves a Trust which provides annual income to his other three daughters, Mary Sproule, Rebecca Barclay and Catherine Porter. He has two sons who he provides for, but the residual legatees are the three daughters.

So Mary Sproule, the only spinster in the family, was well provided for and here she gains an additional annual income from Robert Sproule the Nabob. Mary was an affluent lady. She lived in the house in Castletown that her sister Jane lived in, this from an 1826 deed. In two 1834 deeds we find that Mary Sproule is living with her nephew Oliver Lecky in Mellmount - this is after the death of her sister Jane.  In these two deeds, Mary Sproule is selling land to James Sproule of Stokes Hall Jamaica. James of Jamaics is another nephew, who at this time  was bringing his family home to Ireland, and he leased the house at Mellmount from Oliver Lecky - becoming James Sproule of Mellmount.

*** Note.  Robert Sproule the Nabob provides for his two sisters-in-law in this Will, they are both important to him. The third sister-in-law is not mentioned at all, nor is her family. John Sproull the Apothecary had another daughter Rebecca, who married John Barclay, son of Robert Barclay, in Strabane on 18 Jan 1774. (Londonderry Journal, Fri Jan 21 1774) This daughter, Rebecca Barclay, is named in John the Apothecary's Will dated 5 Mar 1887. But she is not named here, nor is her husband or her children. I have found no trace of this family in Ireland. This Will confirms that the family of Rebecca Barclay were either dead with no children, or that the family had left Ireland. 

  • To my wife during her life an annuity or yearly stipend £500

Jane Sproule had been left the house in Parker's Well, with all that goes with this, and the expenses on the house were to be paid out of the estate. This yearly stipend was simply her 'pin money'. Jane Sproull would also have been provided for by another Trust on her marriage to Robert Sproule the Nabob - this was the custom at that time. The father John Sproull the Apothecary and also the husband-to-be Robert Sproule the Nabob, would have put income from either investments or from land into a Trust to provide money for the widow should the husband die. So Jane would have had that income as well.

  • The Trustees are responsible for providing for the maintenance, clothing and education of my daughter Rebecca Jane Sproule until the age of 21 years or until her marriage

Rebecca Jane had been born in 1790 in Dundalk, Ireland. 

  • Daughter Rebecca Jane Sproule receives the total of the remainder of Robert Sproule the Nabob’s estate – he appoints her residual legatee, and she receives everything when she reaches the age of 21 or on her marriage
An unusual thing here is that the Nabob tells us the birth date of Rebecca Jane, his only child – born on 16 Dec 1790. I have not seen that in any other Will or document. I can only surmise that the her father, the Nabob, wanted to safeguard any challenges to the Will based on her age. He was clearly thinking in the event that Rebecca Jane should die before her 21st birthday, which was must have been on the cards, for the Nabob gives very detailed provisions for that eventuality. He writes what is, in effect, a second Will which is what exactly is to happen if Rebecca Jane should die before the age of 21.
Poor Rebecca Jane did indeed pass away in March 1810 at the age of 19 years. Breandán Mac Suibhne, in Society and Manners, tells us that the report of her death in The Exeter Flying Post of 15 March 1810, said that MissRebecca Jane Sproule of Parker’s Well House died ‘of a decline ... she was enabled to bear the gradual decay of her entire frame, with patience and with resignation, from an unfeigned faith in the merits of a Crucified Redeemer’. P.559

 In the event his daughter Rebecca Jane should die before reaching her majority (and this did happen) and after the annuity to his Wife Jane and after the Sister-in-Law recieves her annual interest - all Robert's assetts are to go into a Trust to be managed by the same trustees, and the following additional bequests are made:

  • The Trustees shall apply funds for the maintenance, clothing and education of Robert Sproule and Thomas Sproule, sons of nephew Samuel Sproule and grandsons of brother Thomas

These are the two sons of Samuel Sproule of Bridgehill, and they become the chief heirs with Robert, son of James of Inchenny.

  • Also the maintenance, clothing and education of Robert Sproule, son of nephew James Sproule and grandson of brother Thomas

This is Robert, son of James Sproule of Inchenny, the other cheif heir.

***Robert the Nabob leaves much to these 3 grandsons of his brother Thomas. They are from Thomas Sproule’s two sons, Samuel and James. Thomas Sproule had a 3rd son, also called Robert – Robert Sproule who was living in Ohio at this time. Robert of Ohio or his family, is not mentioned at all in this Will.

  • The land of Altamullan is left to Robert, eldest son of Samuel, eldest son of his brother Thomas, and his male heirs. Then if Robert has no male heirs on his death, the Atlamullan goes to Thomas Sproule, the brother of Robert, and to his male heirs. 

It is the deeds for this piece of Altamullan land that confirmed the parentage of Robert Sproule the Nabob. Prior to me working on this Will some years ago, we did not know who was the father of Robert Sproule the Nabob. John Inch had left Jack Elder with a lovely hand drawn tree which Elder called ‘The Nabob Sproules’. In this he speculates, was the father of The Nabob a man called Thomas, or was it Robert Sproule, who married Martha Edwards?  

The latter was closer, for the father of the Nabob was not Robert Sproule of Golan who married Martha Edwards, but his brother, Samuel Sproule of Golan and Coolnacrunaght. So the Nabob was a Golan Sproule, grandson of Thomas Spreull of Golan.
The clue to this was in this Will. Here Altamullan land is owned by Robert Sproule the Nabob, and he passes it on. Before this in 1793, Robert Sproule who is then in Dundalk adds two 'lives' to the deed for this Altamullan land. (PRONI REF D 1890/25) So the that 1793 deed lists the history of this Deed right back to the original 1733 deed. So we learn that before Robert Sproule the Nabob, this piece of Altamullan land was owned by Samuel Sproule of Golan who left it in his Will dated 1781 to Robert, and before that, Samuel had been left the land by his father, Thomas Spreull of Golan, who had leased it from Hugh Edwards of Castlegore in a deed dated 5 Nov 1733. I have written about this previously, but you will now see this in this Will - see previous post.
The Family of Thomas Spreull of Golan

In this Will the Altamullan land went to Robert Sproule of Bridgehill after the death of the daughter Rebecca Jane and after the death of Robert's wife Jane. Robert of Bridgehill was by that time already involved in the reclaimation project he had engaged in in Westmeath, and where he finally built his large house, Kildevin House. Robert had no interest in Altamullan, and the land was effectively in the hands of his brother Thomas, who farmed the Bridgehill land and the Altamullan land. Robert of Kildevin had no children and the Altamullan  land finally fell to the brother Thomas Sproule, second son of Samuel of Bridgehill. Thomas Sproule left Bridgehill and built a large house in Altamullan, where he died in 1793. He had no children. There are several deeds in which the whole trail is laid out as new names are added to the lease, for those who are interested the 1843 deed is a good one to look through PRONI Reference D847/5/17  

  • To each of the sons of brother Thomas, £200 in addition to that above

  • To each of the daughters of brother Thomas an additional £100

  • To each of the sons of my deceased sister Jane Lecky an additional £100

  • To each of the daughters of sister Jane Lecky an additional £100

  • To Oliver Lecky an additional £200

  • To each of the daughters of sister deceased Ann Lecky an additional £100

  • To sister Martha Sproule £50

  • To William Sproule, son of Martha Sproule an additional £100 
William is a Tullymoan Sproule, son of Martha Sproule, sister of the Nabob. She had 5 sons, but only William is mentioned in this Will. William was the youngest and was, I believe, still living on the Tullymoan farm, where he was running the farm with his older brother Andrew. Their brother James was in Jamaica, he later came back and lived at Mellmount. Brother Samuel was a doctor in Bombay at this time, rising rapidly through the ranks there. Brother Robert was living in Broomfield, not far from the Tullymoan farm, but I do not believe Robert was a farmer.
William Sproule of Tullymoan died in 1827. He had only one son Samuel who was also a doctor in India, and who married his first cousin, Margaret Madden Sproule, daughter of James Sproule of Mellmount.

  • To Robert, John and Samuel Sproule all sons of my sister Rebecca Sproule an additional £200 each

  • To Charles Sproule and the daughters of Rebecca Sproule an additional £100 each

Again that strange linking of Charles with the daughters. It looks like Charles may have had some kind of problem.

  • To Eliza Sproule, daughter of brother-in-law Dr John Sproule of Dublin £100

Eliza is the only child of Dr John Sproule of Dublin, son of John Sproull the Apothecary, who married Eliza Bosquet in 1773. Eliza is their only child. John Sproull the Apothecary had three  sons, as well as the four daughters mentioned above. I believe that two of the sons, James, who was a doctor in Omagh, and Robert, who was mentioned in only one deed, were both deceased by the time of this Will in 1805. 

  • To Robert Porter and to each of the daughters of my sister-in-law Catherine Porter £50

Robert Porter was son of Frederick Porter and Catherine Sproule, and grandson of Robert Porter and Rebecca Sproule of Golan – these Sproules ladies are aunt and niece. Robert Porter lived at Mellmount in the early 1820s, and by the early 1840s, he is in a very large home, called Carricklee, in Strabane. He was very close to his sisters and their husbands, Mary Porter who married Edward Sproule of Burrell’s Folly, and Rebecca Porter who married Oliver Lecky. Robert figures large in the marriage settlement of sister Mary, and Edward Sproule  and their children are  the main  beneficiary of Robert Porter’s Will when he died in 1862.  Robert Porter was married to a lady named Jane and they seem to have had no children.

  • To each of the daughters of my cousin Mrs Mary Gamble £50  

This is the mother of John Gamble who wrote 'Society and Manners'. Robert leaves money to the daughters, but not to John Gamble. John was a doctor himself and living in Canada. More on this in a later post.

The Residual Legatees in the event of the Death of Rebecca Jane

Robert Sproule the Nabob then declares his residual legatees, that is, after all of the bequests have been made, and after the death of his daugher and after the death of his wife, the entire estate goes to 3 people to be divided equally between them:

  • Robert Sproule of Bridgehill eldest of Samuel Sproule, son of Thomas brother of Robert Sproule the Nabob 
Robert of Bridgehill was born on 05 Dec 1798, he died in 1859 and had no children
  • Thomas Sproule, the second eldest son of Samuel Sproule, son of Thomas brother of Robert Sproule the Nabob

Thomas Sproule of Bridgehill and Altamullan was born on 06 Dec 1802 and he died in Altamullan on 09 Jun 1893, he had no children

  • Robert eldest son of James Sproule, so son of Thomas brother of Robert Sproule the Nabob

This Robert is Robert Sproule of Inchenny, son of James Sproule. Robert died on 12 May 1829 at age 27. Robert had no children. He had 3 younger brothers, two of whom died in 1838 without families. The only surviving brother, Moses Sproule and two of his sisters, Rebecca Jane and Elizabeth, inherited the money left to this family. They had no children.

The Siblings of Robert Sproule 


Society and Manners in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland, by John Gamble — edited and introduced by Breandán Mac Suibhne, published by Field Day 1911

 Grateful thanks to Marie Maguire for transcribing this particularly difficult Will - a heroic job! 

4. Robert Sproule becomes - the Nabob 

5 The Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob 


The Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob, of Stabane, of India, of Dundalk and of Parker’s Well

 The Will of Robert Sproule the Nabob, of India, of Dundalk and of Parker’s Well in Devon dated 19 Nov 1805

National Archives, England, Title:   Will of Robert Sproule of Saint Leonard , Devon Catalogue reference:   PROB 11/1456/235

This Will is long and tortuous, and the script is an even older version than is usual for this time.  Most of this Will was transcribed heriocally by Marie Maguire, who deserves a medal! Marie, you have my grateful thanks. I, Kate Tammemagi, finished it (and cut a few corners) 

I have provided a full list of all the bequests in this Will, with notes as to who everyone is here - Key Points from the Will

In the name of God Amen I Robert Sproule formerly of Dundalk in Ireland but now residing at Parker’s Well in the parish of St. Leonards, County of Devon in England Esq. being of sound mind and considering now the uncertainty of life do make this my last will in manner and form following, that is to say to my sister in law Mrs Catherine Porter of Strabane in Ireland I bequeath the sum of two hundred pounds sterling Irish currency. To Mrs Mary Gamble of the same place I bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds sterling Irish currency. To my cousin James Kerr of the parish of Ardstraw County of Tyrone in Ireland I bequeath the sum of fifty pounds sterling Irish currency. To Jackson Golding of the General post office City of Dublin Esquire I leave the sum of two hundred pounds Sterling or same currency. To John Smyley Barrister of Law of the same city Esq. I leave the like sum of two hundred pounds Sterling same currency.

To my brother Thomas Sproule I leave the sum of one hundred pounds Sterling same currency. To my sisters Rebecca Sproule and Elizabeth Rankin I leave the sum of one hundred pound Sterling same currency. I have not thought it necessary to leave anything to my sister Martha as she has already been provided for by the late Mr Robert Sproule.

To each of the sons and each of the daughters of my brother Thomas I bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds Sterling same currency. To each of the sons of my deceased sister Jane Lecky I leave one hundred pounds sterling or same currency and to each of the daughters of my said sister Jane Lecky I leave the sum of fifty pounds sterling or same currency. To each of the sons and to each of the daughters of my deceased sister Mary Johnston I leave the sum of fifty pounds sterling or same currency. To Oliver Lecky son of my deceased sister Ann Lecky and to each of the daughters of the said Ann Lecky I leave one hundred pounds sterling or same currency. To each of the sons of my sister Martha Sproule I leave the sum of fifty pounds sterling or same currency. To Robert Sproule, John Sproule and Samuel Sproule all sons of my sister Rebecca Sproule I leave one hundred pounds sterling or same currency. To Charles Sproule and to the two daughters of my said sister Rebecca Sproule I leave fifty pounds sterling or same currency. To the two daughters of my sister Elizabeth Rankin I leave the sum of fifty pounds sterling or same currency. To Samuel Sproule eldest son of my brother Thomas I leave the sum of two hundred pounds sterling or same currency in addition to the legacy to which he will be entitled in common with his brothers and sisters. To Robert Sproule son of the last named Samuel Sproule I leave one hundred pounds sterling or same currency. To Robert Sproule son of my nephew James Sproule of the parish of Ardstraw I leave the sum of one hundred pounds sterling or same currency.To Robert Durham son of Mr Andrew Durham of Bovolcan near Lisburn in Ireland I leave the like sum of one hundred pounds sterling or same currency. To Katherine Cowan, John Cowan and Robert Cowan being all children of Reverend Thomas Connolly Cowan now of Rousden St Eyres County of Devon I leave the sum of one hundred pounds sterling British money. To my nephew Samuel Sproule son of my brother Thomas before mentioned I leave my gold watch chain and seals.

To my wife I leave and bequeath all my estate and interests in the lease of the house and grounds of Parker’s Well in the parish of Saint Leonards County of Devon in which I now reside.  To my wife I also bequeath all my household furniture, silver plate, wines, horses and carriages that I may be possessed of at the time of my death and I desire also that the yearly rent of the said house and grounds of Parker’s Well aforesaid payable to John Baring  Esq. shall be paid out of my estate and property yearly and every year so long as my wife shall inhabit the said house and grounds and without any subvention from the yearly annuity hereafter left to my said wife.

As to all the rest and residue of my personal estate and property whatsoever and all my lands whatsoever  and all my estate and interests herein  I bequeath the same to Jackson Golding Esquire and to John Smyley Esquire both before mentioned and to the Reverend Thomas Connolly Cowan now of  Roulston St Eyres in the county of Devon as executors, admins and assigns respectively holding to the quality of the said estates in trust moreorless to pay therefrom and present to my sister-in-law Mary Sproule the interest of one thousand pounds sterling British yearly and every year during her life and to my wife during her life an annuity or yearly stipend of five hundred pounds Sterling British yearly and every year the said annuity to be charged and made payable by my said trustees  survivors or survivor of them  or the assigns  executors or admins of the survivor on and out of some of my property real or personal and in such a manner as to my said trustees ... (there follows technical things on how the annuity to his wife and the interest to sister-in-law Mary Sproule should be paid etc.)

My said trustees and the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs executors and admin of same survivor shall apply the interest, annual product of my real and personal estate and property as they deem proper for to apply towards the maintenance, clothing and education of my daughter Rebecca Jane Sproule until my said daughter shall attain the age of twenty one years or if she shall marry before the age of twenty one years until her marriage. My said trustees and the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs executors and admin of same survivor shall hold the residue and remainder of all my estate in  bonds ..... and .... and all my real and personal property to the sole use and benefit of my said daughter Rebecca Jane Sproule her heirs executors  and assigns respectively subject to the aforesaid annuity to my wife for her life and to the interest on the sum of ten thousand pounds to my sister-in-law Mary Sproule for life and I appoint my said daughter Rebecca Jane Sproule residual legatee of this my will but in case my said daughter Rebecca Jane Sproule who was born on the sixteenth day of December in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety shall die unmarried before the  age of majority then and in such case I bequeath all my bonds.. estate whatsoever and whersoever all my estate and personal property subject to the annuity to my said wife for her life and to the interest on the sum of £1000 to my said sister-in-law Mary Sproule … shall be laid out by my said trustees or the survivors of them on good and sufficient investments baring interest the same to be added to my personal property and so manage the bonds trusts and profits as may be thought necessary .. shall be applied towards maintenance, clothing and education of Robert Sproule and Thomas Sproule both sons of my nephew Samuel Sproule and grandsons of my brother Thomas and Robert Sproule son of my nephew James Sproule and grandson of my said brother Thomas and I hereby direct my said trustees and the survivors and survivor of them his heirs executors and admins to apply so much of the said interest or annual produce of my real and personal property as they or he shall think necessary and proper for the before mentioned purposes until the boys before mentioned shall attain their respective ages of twenty one years after the death of my wife my daughter Rebecca  Jane having died unmarried before her age of twenty one I leave and bequeath to the before mentioned Robert Sproule son of my nephew Samuel Sproule before mentioned my freehold farm of Altamullan in the county of Tyrone in Ireland and to his heirs male forever and failing his issue, I leave and bequeath the same to his brother Thomas Sproule before mentioned and to his heirs male forever and failing issue,  I leave and bequeath the same to the before mentioned Robert Sproule son of my nephew James Sproule and grandson of my brother Thomas and his heirs forever. And also after the Death of my said wife, my daughter Robert Jane Sproule dying unmarried before the age of 21 It is my Will that my Trustees and Executors before and hereafter mentioned … (More technical repeating here) shall pay herewith to each of the sons of my brother Thomas Sproule the sum of two hundred pounds in addition to the sum bequeathed them and to each of the daughters of my said brother Thomas the sum of one hundred pounds in addition to the sum before bequeathed them. To each of the sons of my deceased sister Jane Lecky the sum of £200  in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them and to each of the daughters of my said deceased sister Jane Lecky the sum of £100 in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them. To Oliver Lecky son of my deceased sister Ann Lecky the sum of £200 in addition to the sum before bequeathed to him and to each of the daughters of my said sister Ann Lecky the sum of £100 in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them. To my sister Martha Sproule the sum of £50 and to William Sproule, son of my said sister Martha Sproule the sum of £100 in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them. To Robert Sproule, John Sproule and Samuel Sproule all sons of my sister Rebecca Sproule the sum of £200 in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them and to Charles Sproule son of my said sister Rebecca Sproule and to the daughters of my said sister the sum of £100. To each of the daughters of my sister Elizabeth Rankin the sum of £100  in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them. To Eliza Sproule daughter of my brother-in-law John Sproule of the City of Dublin the sum of £200 sterling for her sole and separate use. To Robert Porter and to each of the daughters of my sister-in-law Catherine Porter before mentioned the sum of £50 in addition to the sum before bequeathed to them. To each of the daughters of my cousin Mrs Mary Gamble before mentioned the sum of £50 sterling.

As to all the rest residue and remainder of my property whatsoever and wheresoever not heretofore disposed of in the event of the death of my said daughter under twenty one years of age and unmarried as aforesaid and after the death of my wife to each before mentioned Robert Sproule and Thomas Sproule, both sons of my nephew Samuel Sproule before mentioned and to Robert Sproule, eldest son of my brother James Sproule before mentioned share and share alike when each shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years of age having already given a little monitary assistance to same of each sons and daughters of Thomas and to some extent the sons and daughters of my sisters before mentioned.

(the will goes on for another 2 pages, but this is the complete list of beneficiaries of the will)

Signed 19 Nov 1805

Witness Jacob Phillips, John Sears, Jacob P. Ogilvy

 Thanks again to Marie Maguire for transcribing this Will 

Other posts in this series:

2. The Story of Robert Sproule the Nabob 1

4. Robert Sproule becomes - the Nabob 

5. Key Points from the Will 

Friday, 13 May 2022

Robert Sproule becomes - the Nabob

Robert Sproule had returned after 17 years in India and had married Jane, his cousin, in Strabane in 1785. He was far from being a ‘Nabob’ at this time according to his cousin, John Gamble, for he tells us:

“They lived for some time on their meagre income, but fate stepped in again.” p557 Society and Manners

Gamble has the couple living somwhere in the Strabane area on ‘their meagre income’ until at least 1791, when Robert received  the first of two large, and very unexpected, sums of money.  This first one came from the East India Company;

“He received with compound interest a large sum which he had lent the India Company several years before, and which, from the confusion of their affairs, he had in a measure despaired of ever getting.”  John Gamble P.557 Society and Manners

This large sum of money had arrived from the East India company sometime around 1791, according to Gamble. But it is here that we must digress for a short time only from John Gamble’s account of the life of Robert Sproule.

We have very definite evidence that Robert Sproule was not living in Tyrone until 1791, nor was he living in a manner that was in any way 'meagre’. By at least 1787, Robert Sproule Esquire was well established in his large household in Dundalk, a household with at least 11 hearths and, in this Hearth Tax, servants quarters were not counted;

“Received the 20th Day of May 1789 from Robert Sproule Esquire of Dundalk the sum of £1 s.2 for 11 Hearths due to his Majesty the 21st of November 1788 and payable the 21st of January 1789.” Hearth Money receipt No. 325 Parish Dundalk. William Bryden Hearth Collr. Hearth Collector (National Library of Ireland)

Gamble does not mention Dundalk in his account, so how do we know that this gentleman, Robert Sproule of Dundalk, is the man in our story? Well, there are many pieces of evidence such as his name appearing on several deeds,  but the simplest is that Robert actually tells us at the beginning of his Will;

“In the name of God Amen I Robert Sproule formerly of Dundalk in Ireland but now residing at Parker’s Well in the parish of St. Leonards County of Devon in England Esq.”

So Robert Sproule of Dundalk was indeed the Robert Sproule of our story, newly arrived from India. He has good deal of money earlier than Gamble thought, and he is also lending money out to relatives. It is a mystery why they chose Dundalk, County Louth to live in. Perhaps Robert had a friend who lived there, for we know that Robert’s friends are important to him.  

The next sum of money came from none other than his great friend from India, Joseph Alserson. Robert’s old friend Joseph, who he had saved in that outward journey to India, had died in June 1789 in Bombay.  His will was proved in Bombay in 1789 and in London in 1791.

In his will, the Captain left;

“To my worthy and dear friend, Robert Sproull, Esq., late surgeon of Bombay and now residing in Ireland the sum of two thousand pounds sterling.”

Two thousand pounds for Robert, but that wasn’t all. Joseph Alderson had left the bulk of his estate to his ‘adopted son’ also named Joseph Alderson. Joseph says that his son had been born in his house, and that the son's ‘real mother’ was named as Mrs Elizabeth Worth. He also tells us that that Robert Sproull had been his son’s sponsor at his christening. 

The Captain went on to say in his will that should his son Joseph die before the age of 21, then all of the estate of Captain Joseph Alderson was to go to Robert Sproull, surgeon of Strabane. We don’t know exactly what sum of money that Robert finally recieved from his friend, but it would appear that he was now justified in holding the title of ‘the Nabob’ – to the Tyrone people at least!

Robert Sproule the Nabob remained in Dundalk for some time, I don't know how long exactly. The last deed I have with his name as 'Robert Sproule of Dundalk', is dated 1793. 

Their last move was to Devon, to a house called Parker's Well, in the Topsham Rd, Exeter. I had always imagined that they went there because of Joseph Alderson. I thought that the house might have been owned by Joseph and that this was part of the legacy. But the house was not in Joseph's Will, and I have found absolutely no connection between Joseph and Devon at all. Joseph Alderson was from London, he died in Bombay, and there is no indication that he ever returned to England. 

The family moved to Parker's Well for some other reason, one that I am still chasing down. It may have something to do with the local 'gentry', a family called Bowring or Baring (as in Barings Bank!).

The house was described in a guide written in 1806 as;

" a neat and gentle villa, built on a gentle eminence…it is called Parker’s Well from a noted spring that issues under the bank" (The History and Description of the City of Exeter, 1806, Alexander Jenkins)

And there is a footnote to this page;

The family had lived there with their only child, daughter Rebecca Jane, who had been born in 1790 in Dundalk, Ireland. They were members of the small St Leonard's Church, which was just at the end of their road.
From Exeter Memories
However, Robert Sproule the Nabob did not live very much longer. Gamble tells us;

“Conversing cheerfully with his family, he suddenly fell down, and almost immediately expired. He had long dreaded this event, and was frequently heard to say that he was convinced his liver was almost entirely consumed within him.”

Robert died on Monday 2nd February 1807. His obituary in the newspaper read:

"To those who knew him any panergyric would be useless; he died lamented, for he lived beloved." Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post 5 February 1807

He must be buried in the graveyard of the old St Leonard's Church. This is knocked down and replaced with a new church 1836. This was a long time after the death of Robert Sproule the Nabob, and yet still the plaque that had been above the altar, was again given pride of place over the new altar of St Leonard's Church, Exeter.

  • Society and Manners in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland, by John Gamble — edited and introduced by Breandán Mac Suibhne, published by Field Day 2011

  • Will of Joseph Alderson, Captain in the Honorable Company's Marine of Bombay in the East Indies and Commander of the Drake Cruizer of Bombay, PROB 11/1205/281, The National Archives, Kew

  • The Will of Robert Sproule, St Leonard's Devon, The National Archives, PROB 11/1456/235

Other posts in this series:

2. The Story of Robert Sproule the Nabob 1

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Robert Sproule the Nabob and The Horse

 By the time Robert Sproule had lost all of his money, it was twelve years since he had left Ireland, but he remained in India for a few more years. His cousin, John Gamble, gives us more of his story in his book Society and Manners in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland.

18th Century engraving of Bombay,

Eventually, Robert made his way back to Bombay to prepare for the journey home, and it is here that he met once more with his old friend, Joseph Alderson. This was the young adventurer who had travelled with Robert on his journey to India, and who Robert had saved when the ship went down. Joseph Alderson was now a Captain in the East Indes Company Navy, and was Commander of a ‘Country Ship’, which I believe is a ship that stayed round the Asia area.

 Joseph Alderson had stayed in contact with his friend Robert and as he had travelled to distant countries, he would send a present from each place to his ‘saviour’. On this occasion when they met in Bombay, he presented Robert Sproule with a valuable Arabian grey racehorse! Of course, Robert refused this, but his friend insisted that he take it, so take it he did.

When Robert left India shortly after this, he left instruction for his agent to sell the horse, and the Arabian Grey was sold for five hundred guineas. This money was then returned to Captain Joseph Alderson.

Gamble tells us that the horse was later taken to England where it was sold for £1200 and it became "the most famous Arabian horse in England"!

Now, that was the story related by John Gamble. Over 200 years later, Breandán Mac Suibhne set off to see if he could find this horse that became, “the most famous Arabian horse in England.” Could the horse story be true?

He actually seems to have had no difficulty at all in finding the horse, it was called ‘The Wellesley Grey' after his owner, Henry Wellesley! Breandán tells us in footnotes in Society and Manners;

“The ‘Wellesley Grey’, a horse imported from India by Henry Wellesley (1773–1847), youngest brother of the first Duke of Wellington. Another of his brothers, Richard Colley Wellesley, second Lord Mornington (1760–1842), had been governor-general in India; Henry acted as assistant to him in 1797–99 and 1801–02.

The Wellesley Grey stood at Chestnut, Hertfordshire, and Virginia Water, Surrey, producing many fine horses, notably Fair Ellen (1806). Few great sires were imported from India, which makes this identification quite secure; the horse’s date of birth is not known, but he died in winter 1811–12; hence, if he died of natural causes, it is probable that he was several years old when Robert Sproule was leaving India c. 1787.”  (Breandán Mac Suibhne, notes on p.556 with extensive sources Society and Manners)(My note, Robert was back in Ireland in 1885 see below)

I went looking for the 'Wellesley Grey' and immediately found this painting called, “The Wellesley Grey Arabian Led through the Desert”! It is by Jacques-Laurent Agasse, painted ca. 1810 in London. I don't know why the 'Wellesley Grey' was placed in the desert, but this must be a painting of the horse in our story, the famous Wellesley Grey horse that came from India and was formerly owned, ever so briefly, by our Robert Sproule! Quite amazing to see it!

The Wellesley Grey, by Jacque-Laurent Agasse ca. 1810
Despite rejecting this opportunity to further enrich himself with this horse, Robert Sproule headed back from India with £2000 in his pocket, Gamble tells us. He went from England straight to Ireland. 

Although Gamble doesn't tell us, we know that Robert arrived back in 1885:

Sproul served his time to his uncle and went to India about 17 years ago; he had in his apprenticeship contracted a love for one of Mr Sproul's daughters; they made some sort of an engagement.

The poor girl has been very sickly for some years, and is very much changed; however he continued steady as she did, and yesterday they were married; I beg pardon for this trouble, but I could not help mentioning the uncommon goodness of my son's friend”  (Letter written 18 September 1785 James Hamilton agent in Strabane, to the Earl of Abercorn;  PRONI D623/A/46/17)

So this tells us that Robert lost no time in marrying his steadfast love, his cousin Jane, and that they were married on 17 September 1785 in Strabane. 

John Gamble tells us;

“For a short while he lived on his small income, and, could we read the heart of man, had perhaps greater happiness than he afterwards had on a much greater one.”

But I believe, in fact, that Robert Sproule was not poor when he arrived home, he already had acquired the first chunk of wealth that put him near to the status of a 'Nabob'.

Society and Manners in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland, by John Gamble — edited and introduced by Breandán Mac Suibhne, published by Field Day 1911

Other posts in this series:

2. The Story of Robert Sproule the Nabob 1