Lease by Governors of Charitable Charter School, Co. Fermanagh [see D1390/8], to Charles Sproule Esq., Grennan
PRONI Reference : D1390/44/2 Date : 20 January 1778
Transcribed by Kate Tammemagi
indenture made the Twentyeth day of January in the year of our Lord God, on
thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight between the Governors of the
Charitable Charter-School erected and endowed by the last will and testament of
George Vaughan Esq, of the one Part, Charles Sproul of Grennan in the county of
Tyrone Farmer of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Governors, for and in
consideration of the yearly Rent, Covenants, Conditions and Agreements, herein
after reserved, mentioned and contained, have granted, demised set and to Farm
Let and by these presents, do grant demise, set and to farm Let, unto the said
Charles Sproule in his actual possession, now being by Virtue of a bargain and
sale to him thereof, made by the said governors, for one whole Year, by
indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of these
presents, in consideration of five shillings sterling, and by force of the
statute for transferring ulies into possession and to his heirs and assigns all
that and those that part of the town and lands of Crevenish called Sconce Hill
point containing ten acres together with the Rabbitt Island containing eleven
acres adjoining thereto the whole containing by survey lately made thereof,
Arable and Pasture twenty one acres plantation measure, be the same more or
less, exclusive of bog, meared and bounded as described in and by map or survey
thereof and hereunto annexed, being part and parcel of the Manor of
Castlehassett, situate, lying and being in the County of Fermanagh …(more
detail here) To have and to hold the said herby granted and demised premises
with the Appurtenances (except as before excepted) unto the said Charles
Sproule his heirs and assigns from the first day of November last past, for and
during the life and lives of The Reverend Howard Saint George of Ardvarney in
the County of Fermanagh, Arthur John Saint George his eldest son aged four
years or thereabouts and Capel Edward St George his second son aged four months
or thereabouts and for and during the lives and life of the survivors and
survivor of them and the said Charles Sproule his heirs and assigns …. (Rent etc. here)
On the back of the lease:
Know all men by these Presents that I the within named
Charles Sproul of Grennan in the County of Tyrone in consideration of five
shillings to me in hand paid do herby for me my heirs Execs & Admins assign
transfer & make over unto the Revd. Doc Howard St George of Ardess in the
County of Fermanagh all my rights … & interests of … the within Indenture
of lease & the lands thereby demised to hold to Dr Howard StGeorge his
heirs and assigns for & during the continuance of the lives within
mentioned subject … to the payment of the within recorded rent and to the
performance of all other the clauses and … within mentioned covenanted on the
part of the … to be done and performed. In witness wherof I have hereunto put
my hnad and seal tthis 22 day of May 1780
Signed sealed & declared in the presence of … Stewart,
Charles Lucas
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